Thursday, May 20, 2010

Floyd Landis - SHAME ON YOU!

Floyd Landis, Tour de France rider, has admitted to using performance enhancing drugs throughout his career. What a surprise!

His attitude, exemplified by the following quote, says it all:
I don't feel guilty at all about having doped. I did what I did because that's what we [cyclists] did and it was a choice I had to make after 10 years or 12 years of hard work to get there, and that was a decision I had to make to make the next step. My choices were, do it and see if I can win, or don't do it and I tell people I just don't want to do that, and I decided to do it.
You really can perform to the best of your ability drug free. If you want to learn all the secrets of training and injury prevention, I strongly suggest you take a look at PREVENT SPORTS  Yes, this is a bit self serving as I am the first interview (see the top of this blog page), but I have listened to the interviews of the doctors and coaches you will receive by joining and they are nothing short of phenomenal. Don't wait, join today.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Human Growth Hormone Found to Aid Athletic Performance

As athletes have known for years, human growth hormone does improve performance. Scientific studies have now caught up and show this to be the case. Read the article here.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Too many high school, college, and professional athletes have died of heat exhaustion and dehydration. Do not allow this to happen to your child. Coaches must follow these guidelines and be properly trained in CPR/AED use.

• Weigh the athletes before and after practice and replace each pound lost with 16 - 24 oz of water. This water must be sipped throughout the remainder of the day after practice to get the best absorption. Dehydration can occur over several days to weeks of practice and incomplete rehydration (observe urine color - if dark yellow, hydrate). This is why athletes can die in weather in the 70's with little humidity.

• An electrolyte replacement drink may be needed in practices greater than one hour if the athlete is a salty sweater (white rim on cap or armpit of shirt – if in doubt, lick your sweaty skin – if it tastes salty use an electrolyte replacement).

• Acclimate to the heat over 7 - 14 days:

Days 1 – 5: One practice per day, three hour maximum time limit.

Days 1 – 2: No protective gear except a helmet allowed.

Days 3 – 5: Helmets and shoulder pads only.

Day 6: Full gear and full contact allowed.

Days 6 – 14: Two-a-day practices must be followed the next day by a single practice day or a rest day. On two-a-day practice days each practice session must not exceed three hours (maximum five hours total daily practice time) and the two practice sessions must be separated by at least three hours in a cool environment.

• Coaches must pay attention to the

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Our patient Jeff Sweet placed 3rd in the Iron City Strongest Man Competition on May 1, 2010. He pulled a 37,500 lb fire engine, cleaned and press a 2.5" axle, lifted a 700 lb Conan's wheel, carried 240 lb farmer's handles, flipped a 900 lb tire, and loaded a 385 lb. stone. WATCH THIS!